lesson 2: 2 years later…

it is March 1, 2020. my son would have been two years old. i imagine there would be racecars, or Paw Patrol cupcakes ( tbh I probably wouldn’t even feed him anything sugary ) and a whole bunch of family kissing his cheeks. the smell of buttercreme, stepping...
lesson 1 : my Sun was still, born.

lesson 1 : my Sun was still, born.

Feb 27. It was a Tuesday morning. I woke up just in time to catch the bus to go to my NST appointment. Because I am a Type 2 Diabetic, I was essentially in the hospital all the time. An NST is a No-Stress Test, where they track the baby’s heartbeat and movements....

lessson 5 : “man owes every womyn their genesis”

like march comes after February, my womyness comes after my blackness. it’s womyns history month, I would be indolant if I didn’t acknowledge, Mother Earth,  mothers, and womyn. I was raised in a very a matriarchal family and community.  my grandmother is...

lesson 246 : you can’t pour from a empty cup.

kehlani released this song called “24/7″. in this song, she says ” I don’t know nobody that feels like their somebody 24/7″. we all have those moments when something doesn’t seem to go right. we all have those moments where you do...